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Big Boss Problems: The Tricky Job of Raising Staff Morale

Problems in productivity at work aren’t immediate signs that you hired the wrong people. It’s a dilemma that goes deeper than the employees’ character and skill set. What you have on your plate could be an issue of poor morale.

The symptoms pop up one by one, with the most obvious being increased negativity, office gossip and absenteeism. All of these lead to poor productivity or unsatisfactory outputs.

The key to solving this problem lies in employee satisfaction. Consider it a warning that your company either needs to put in place new measures or improve the employee engagement programmes you currently have.

Employee Recognition

Praise goes a long way in the workplace. It touches a basic human need to be appreciated. When you recognise an employee, you show the company values their hard work. This motivates them to keep up the momentum and improve.

The burden of doing this doesn’t have to fall on you alone. Start a culture of recognition in the workplace to improve the relationship of the team. Start this project by training managers and supervisors in identifying praise-worthy actions. It’s a management technique that, when implemented, reaps plenty of benefits outside of productivity.

When outlining a recognition program, consider physical rewards. It can be a business trip within Singapore or a dinner at a renowned burger restaurant. Go for experiences rather than material items.Good meals and travel opportunities create more lasting memories.

Employee Benefits


Health problems amount to stress and can lead to financial strain. This is the reason employees choose jobs that compensate well and give good health benefits. These ranges from vacation leave to pension schemes, depending on the kind of job and industry.

Perks like subsidised travel, free meals and wellness programmes relay the importance you give to their health. Employees are more likely to perform better when they save money and have a better work-life balance.

These benefits also attract new talent and help you avoid a high turnover rate. It’s an investment worth making to ensure that everybody’s emotionally and physically sound to meet the demands at work.

Employee Freedom

It’s tempting to micromanage. Doing so may achieve your desired output, but it also leaves your employees with low self-esteem. It sends the message that they’re not good enough or their preferences mean nothing to yours.

A loss of autonomy discourages employees from putting extra effort into their job. Many other problems arise when this happens. There’s a loss of trust, teamwork and innovation that could hamper your company’s growth.

Focus on leading, instead of dictating their every move. Good leaders pick the right people for the job and set clear expectations. It’s possible to do this without scrutinising the path they decide to take to your desired destination.

The freedom to execute the job as they wish gives them a voice in the company. Employees that feel heard have a greater sense of belongingness to the organisation and will want to do more for it.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for raising employee morale. You may have to investigate the demographics they come from and what issues they currently face.

Learn from other companies and be creative in managing this matter. Your employee satisfaction speaks volumes about your leadership and the future of your company.

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