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The Best Practices during Emergencies

a firefighter reviving his colleague

Companies nowadays have different measures for emergencies. Most corporations prepare their employees by engaging them through emergency training. Employees have gained knowledge of what to do in such circumstances from preparation.

Emergency preparedness will not be complete without emergency equipment and kits. These things are the primary support when emergencies happen. Some companies ensure they have medical supplies to give employees the proper care. They also provide the help needed in an accident.

Some companies even have lying-in clinics with a medical supply cart and an ambulance. It is an effective way to respond and save someone without bringing them to a hospital. Others would provide emergency kits and fire extinguishers. Companies place them under workstations and common areas to ensure employee safety.

But what would you do as an employee during an emergency? What are the things you should know to avoid an accident? Everybody knows that people should look for the nearest exit. But how would you help yourself to get out? Here are the best ways to help yourselves during emergencies.

Stay Calm and Think Fast

The first thing you should do is to calm yourself down. Many accidents happen because people tend to panic. In every situation, people who are focused and determined are the ones who survive a mishap.

Some people have Dystychiphobia, a condition where a person has a fear of accidents. This condition is likely one of the causes of panic attacks. If you know someone with Dystychiphobia, always hold their hand to keep them calm. Holding hands also helps you not to panic. Another way to stay calm is to stay in a group. It makes someone feel secure whenever they are in a crowd during an emergency.

People should also try breathing exercises. Breathing in and out while counting the numbers from 1 to 10 will help you remove the nervous feeling. Tell someone to do breathing exercises together while you move away from the building.

Think fast and never let anyone hold you back from what you are about to do. Always think of the nearest exit where people could get out. The calmer people are, the more likely they can focus and survive.

Drop, Cover, and Hold

Earthquake protocols are customary in all emergency training. All companies conduct seminars to remind their employees about what to do. Everybody would see emergency policies posted on doorways and hallways. But people should know what to do by heart. Earthquakes could occur when people least expect them. So everybody should be ready at all times.

If the floor is already shaking, always remember to drop on the floor. Cover your head with your hands or anything that can protect you from falling objects. The common practice is to hide under a table. Then people should hold anything stable to avoid stumbling and dizziness.

Another clever way to avoid falling walls is to stay near the partition. The top part of a wall is likely to break and fall. You are safer when you lean your back behind the wall, as it creates safe space from falling debris.

Crawl Down During Fires and Wet Your Towel

Fires create smoke that usually covers the whole floor area. But one way to avoid choking from fire is to drop on the floor and crawl down. The smoke from fires goes up, which makes the floor free of it. It is a safe space where people can move and look for the exit.

People should also know to wet their towels during fires.  Even better if someone could find a curtain. Wet garments will protect anyone from excessive heat or burn. Towels to cover the mouth are helpful to breathe conveniently. These steps will allow anyone to survive an accident.

Feel the Walls or Doors

Another thing to remember is to feel the doors before opening them. Warm doors are likely having fires in the next room. Thus, it is safe not to open the door. You may also feel the walls with your hands to check if it is safe to enter. Never touch the doorknob, as it is likely made out of metal. Knobs would usually be excellent heat conductors and can make your hands burn.

Look for the Washroom and Exit from There

One safe place where people could go during fires is the washroom. It is logical to think about it because people can get water in there. People should better run to the nearest washing area if the exit is blocked. Then open the tap and let the water overflow to prevent the heat from entering.

Washrooms have small windows that a person could fit. Use that window to exit and pull others to get out.

An emergency is something that people do not wish to happen. But it is safer to expect any situation to avoid accidents. Learn the methods and take opportunities where you can have training. Being safe will never make you sorry.

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