Topsy Tasty

Four Essential Aspects of Event Planning You Must Never Forget

For some people, having to plan an event can be likened to torture because they will be forced to tackle all the complex aspects simultaneously. But some people enjoy the nitty-gritty of it all, especially because they will be in charge of seeing the event through from initial planning to execution.

However, even the most organized and detailed person can be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of responsibilities they would have to do when planning. So, to make it easier to digest and accomplish, here are the four basic aspects that you will have to cover when planning an event for any occasion:

1. Logistics

Arguably the most important aspect of any event is the logistics: the venue, location, and organization of the physical space. The logistical aspect of your event should be the very first matter that you settle when planning because the date, design, and other essentials will depend on your venue.

For instance, the size of your venue will dictate the number of tables and chairs that you will need or how they will be placed around the space to create an organic flow. Your venue will also affect the company you’re going to look for because there are separate distinctions for indoor and outdoor furniture rentals.

And lastly, nailing the details of your logistics will allow you to create a feasible floor plan so that the event won’t appear like it was thrown together at the last minute. With a good floor plan, you can assign areas for the stage or podium, the refreshments table, the tech booth, and tables for your guests.

2. Technical Aspects

The second aspect you need to prioritize is the technical part, which can include the lighting, sound system, microphones, projector, LED screen, speakers, or other devices that you may need for the event. Of course, you won’t need all these at the same time, but taking them into account can help you plan your budget better.

Also, taking care of the technical aspects early on will help you make your floor plan. This is because you have to find the most optimal area for your tech booth, which should be near wall sockets and farther from the restrooms or refreshments table to minimize the risks of getting the equipment wet.

Speaking of reducing potential hazards, you will also need to secure all your electrical wires and devices so that you can keep the guests from accidentally tripping. Not only will an incident like that disrupt the flow of your event, but the guests can also sustain injuries in the process. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

event planning

3. Aesthetics

After you handle the logistics and the technical needs of the event, the next aspect you need to focus on is your aesthetics. This is basically just the theme and decorations that will tie your event together. Of course, aesthetics is, for the most part, optional, but it can be a great driver of success for your event.

Imagine if your event is for a line launch of a make-up brand and the theme is a cocktail party. You can have high cocktail tables decorated with linen cloths and have make-up products as centerpieces. The best thing about this is that there would be no chairs in sight, save for the sofas on stage, which means you have fewer things to worry about once the event starts.

Your decorations could also make the event more satisfying for the guests, mainly because these could keep the people entertained and engaged while the program is idling. Amazing decorations could inspire the guests to take more pictures, which can help garner exposure for you if they were to post them online.

4. Refreshments

The last aspect, but certainly not least, is the refreshments. What you serve to the guests will highly depend on the purpose and nature of the event because there are different needs for various occasions. For example, if you’re hosting a dinner party, then, of course, there should be a proper meal complete with table arrangements for your guests.

However, if you’re throwing a cocktail party, then you’ll need to provide drinks and hors d’oeuvres that your guests can enjoy while they mingle with others. And if it’s a children’s pool party that you’re planning, then finger food, juice packs, and refreshing wine coolers for the adults are the way to go.

The point is that what you serve will vary based on what kind of event you’re planning. But you would have to provide at least some form of food and drinks for your guests if you don’t want them to feel parched or hungry during your event unless you’ve clearly stated that no such kind will be provided.

Once you cover all the basic grounds of event planning, you’ll be sure to create a successful event. You will no longer have to worry about missing out on important details or forgetting to accomplish an essential aspect of the event if you can try to nail these four every single time.

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